AcBel won“2019 Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards (AREA) - Investment in People Award"
AcBel is the only Taiwan's electronic manufacturing company to receive this award this year, and this is the first time that AcBel was awarded by AREA.
AcBel has persistently dedicated to providing a safe, healthy and cozy work environment and to taking care of all employees, as its unwavering assurances to the employees. We are also actively engaged in creating a friendly work environment with “zero pollution, zero occupational injuries and zero work accidents”, constructing a “career development” platform, and building a joyful enterprise where “employees work contentedly, families feel supported, the environment is healthy and relaxing, and everyone works as a team and with devotion”.
We will work towards constructing a “Joyful AcBel with Corporate Sustainable Development Momentum” as the developmental blueprint and strengthening efforts in three perspectives of “Self Realization and Continual Development”, “Optimization of Corporate Management System” and “Care for Employees and Families”. We will also provide competitive packages and work environment to maintain employees’ momentum in promoting self- improvement. Ultimately, we will extend our support and care to employees’ family and the local communities to create a sustainable corporate that “dedicates to providing a quality and joyful workplace”.