AcBel Polytech Inc. 康舒科技



AcBel has been awarded "Gold Medal" by EcoVadis for two consecutive years

After the first time in 2021, AcBel received the "Gold Medal" recognition of the EcoVadis Sustainability Rating (EcoVadis Sustainability Rating), and this year, it was awarded the "Gold Medal" again in 2022.

EcoVadis is the first and largest collaboration platform in the world for trading partners to share sustainability performance information. EcoVadis is the cornerstone of over 800 sustainable procurement programs within global value chains and has been tested on over 100,000+ companies across 200+ industries and 175+ countries. The EcoVadis sustainability recognition levels are based upon the percentile rank of all companies’ EcoVadis score, and it awards the Gold Medal to the top 5% of the companies.

The methodology covers 7 management indicators, across 21 sustainability criteria, in 4 themes: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. It’s based on leading standards, such as GRI, UNGC, and ISO 26000, and it’s supervised by an international scientific committee. EcoVadis rates performance by assessing a company’s policies, actions and results, as well as inputs from third-party professionals and external stakeholders.

As a world-class manufacturer of power supplies and a clean energy provider, AcBel promotes the implementation of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) actions in conjunction with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the company invest in multiple dimensions of the company’s development so as to forge stronger corporate resilience and sustainability. AcBel works with customers and suppliers to transform company’s energy strategy, to create a sustainable low-carbon value chain. AcBel delivers sustainable value through the implementation of ESG. While creating optimized revenue, it also promotes sustainable positive influence.


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