AcBel Polytech Inc. 康舒科技

Environmental, Social and Governance
Sustainable Development Commitment and Strategy
AcBel’s sustainable development originates from the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR), aiming to contribute to the environment and society while pursuing economic profit. In recent years, with the increasing impact of climate change, rising human rights awareness, and stricter global regulations, businesses are paying more comprehensive attention to sustainable development issues. AcBel takes a responsible approach, focusing on three core areas: people, environmental harmony, and social prosperity. The company aligns with the United Nations’ “ Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs), the global “Net Zero” initiative, regulatory authorities’ “2023 Sustainable Development Action Plan for Listed Companies,” “Corporate Governance 3.0 - Sustainable Development Blueprint,” and Taiwan’s “2050 Net Zero Emission Path.” By integrating its business strategies and risk management with stakeholder engagement, AcBel formulates sustainable policies, strategies, and goals. Through the establishment of corporate culture and internal transformation, the company aims to create sustainable value within its organizational departments and achieve its objectives, thereby generating long-term value for the environment and society.
AcBel’s “Sustainability Policy” serves as the highest standard for business operations. Corresponding management procedures are developed and integrated into daily operations, ensuring full participation and deepening of sustainable culture within the company. Continuous advocacy and education ensure that every board member and employee can implement their sustainable actions according to this commitment. The company also strengthens interactions with stakeholders, demonstrating and continuously optimizing its sustainable practices. The policy covers various fields including environmental protection, social responsibility, and corporate governance, extending to sustainable supply chain management to leverage the company’s influence and achieve a low-carbon innovative value chain.
Based on ESG performance metrics, AcBel discloses quantifiable information and addresses stakeholder concerns. The company regularly publishes relevant information and participates in evaluations through corporate governance assessments, CDP carbon disclosure project questionnaires, and TCFD reports on climate-related financial disclosures.